Revolution in the maize area does not worry
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Economic value Signs Brazil goes to devote itself as great exporter of maize, in the opinion of the president of the Perdigão, Nildemar Secches. It evaluates that the fever of etanol in the United States - that made the prices of the grain to go up 85% alone this year in the international market - will stimulate the production of the maize in Brazil, what goes to allow the advance of the exportations in the next years. "This is a structural, definitive change", affirmed in this tuesday (12-12).
Despite the high one of prices of the maize, that already raised and will continue raising the costs of the sector, Secches sees as positive the new picture since it offers of maize tends to grow due to the valued quotations. But the increase of the prices of the maize - that it answers little for 35% of the cost of production of the chicken and more in the case of the swine - must lead to a view for the end items, according to executive. This year, the entire chicken already had high between 7% and 10% in the market.
The high one of the quotations of the grain goes to also impactar the prices in dollar of the chicken meats and suína in the international market, as Secches. It said that, with the current exchange and costs, the edges are positive, but the picture worsening with the high one of the maize. Therefore, the view will be necessary. The director of development business-oriented of the Perdigão, Nelson Vas Hacklauer, observed that the biggest one offers of bran (because of biodiesel from soy) must compensate in part the high one of the maize. It admitted, however, that he can lack maize in Goiás in the future if all the plant projects will be materialize, what stimulates the advance of the sugar cane on areas of grains. Calculations indicate that the sugar cane would advance 700 a thousand hectares.
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